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What You Should Know About Mortgage Forbearance

Mortgage forbearance can be a valuable option when facing temporary financial difficulties, allowing you to reduce or pause your mortgage payments for a set period while interest continues to accrue. Here’s what you need to know about mortgage forbearance and how it can help during challenging times.

Key Takeaways

  • Mortgage forbearance: An agreement with your lender to temporarily reduce or pause mortgage payments.

  • Financial relief: Helps you manage financial setbacks like job loss without the immediate risk of foreclosure.

  • Repayment plan: You'll need to arrange with your lender how and when to resume regular payments.

What is Mortgage Forbearance?

Mortgage forbearance offers temporary relief by letting you either make lower payments or pause them altogether for a predetermined period. This option is typically requested by homeowners experiencing financial hardships such as job loss, natural disasters, or major illnesses.

Understanding Mortgage Forbearance

It's important to note that mortgage forbearance is not debt forgiveness. You will still owe the missed or reduced payments, and you must work with your lender to determine a repayment plan once the forbearance period ends.

Applying for Mortgage Forbearance

To initiate forbearance, contact your mortgage lender or servicer. The qualifications and options available can vary depending on the lender and the type of mortgage you have. If you qualify, your lender will establish a forbearance agreement detailing the terms and conditions.

Will Mortgage Forbearance Affect My Credit?

Forbearance can be less damaging to your credit score than missing payments, as long as you proactively communicate with your lender. If your lender agrees to report your forbearance as “paid as agreed,” it shouldn't negatively impact your credit score. However, if you have already missed a payment before requesting forbearance, your loan will be marked delinquent for the duration of the forbearance.

Managing Your Credit During Forbearance

To maintain a healthy credit score, ensure you understand how your lender will report your forbearance status. Keeping up with other financial obligations can also help mitigate potential credit score impacts.

How Does Mortgage Forbearance Work?

When you qualify for mortgage forbearance, your lender will outline the specifics of your agreement, including the duration of the forbearance period, the payment terms during this period, how it will be reported to credit bureaus, and the repayment terms.

Key Components of Forbearance Agreements

  • Duration: The length of the forbearance period.

  • Payment Terms: The amount, if any, you’ll need to pay during the forbearance period.

  • Credit Reporting: How the forbearance will be reported to credit bureaus.

  • Repayment Terms: How and when you’ll repay the missed or reduced payments.

Interest will continue to accrue on your loan during the forbearance period, and you'll still receive monthly statements as required by law.

What Happens When Mortgage Forbearance Ends?

After the forbearance period ends, you must repay the missed payments according to the terms arranged with your lender. Possible repayment options include reinstatement, repayment plans, or loan modifications.

Repayment Options After Forbearance

  • Reinstatement: Paying the total missed payments in a lump sum.

  • Repayment Plan: Adding a portion of the missed payments to your regular monthly payment over a specified period.

  • Loan Modification: Adjusting the terms of your mortgage, such as lowering the interest rate or extending the loan term to make payments more manageable.

If your financial hardship persists, you may need to request a loan modification to adjust the repayment terms further.

How Long Does Mortgage Forbearance Last?

Mortgage forbearance is designed to provide short-term relief, typically lasting no more than one year. Your lender may require periodic updates on your financial situation and can explain additional options if you need extended assistance.

Understanding Forbearance Duration

The length of forbearance depends on your lender’s policies and your financial circumstances. Staying in regular contact with your lender is crucial for navigating any necessary extensions or changes to your agreement.

Will Forbearance Impact My Future Ability to Buy a Home?

To qualify for a new home loan after forbearance, you need to demonstrate financial stability. This often requires at least 12 months of on-time payments following the end of your forbearance period.

Preparing for Future Home Purchases

Rebuilding your credit and maintaining a steady payment history are essential steps to take after completing a forbearance period. Lenders will look for evidence of financial responsibility when considering your application for a new mortgage.

How Do I Qualify for Mortgage Forbearance?

Qualification requirements vary by lender, but generally, you will need to submit an application, either online or by phone. Be prepared with the following information:

  • Your most recent mortgage statement.

  • Estimates of your current monthly income and expenses.

  • An explanation of your financial hardship, supported by relevant documents.

Steps to Apply for Forbearance

It’s best to apply for forbearance before missing any payments, as delinquency will appear on your credit report and remain until your loan is current. If your request for forbearance is denied, you can formally appeal the decision. Your application will be reviewed by a different loan officer, and you will receive an updated decision.

How to Get Mortgage Forbearance

To apply for mortgage forbearance, contact your lender or mortgage servicer. The phone number on your monthly mortgage statement is a good starting point. Many lenders also offer online resources for forbearance applications.

Seeking Professional Advice

For unbiased advice, consider speaking with a housing counselor approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). They can provide guidance on whether forbearance is right for your situation and explain various repayment plans. Visit the HUD website to find a counselor near you.


Mortgage forbearance can offer vital relief during financial hardships, but it’s essential to understand the terms and work closely with your lender to ensure a manageable repayment plan. By staying informed and proactive, you can navigate forbearance effectively and maintain financial stability.